Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 34

A much better day today. I did eat 2 hotdogs at the bbq, but I took the bun off, and I didn't eat any of the other stuff there. And when I stopped off at the grocery store on my way home from work I was really hungry...and I was tempted to buy some granola bars or cheese strings, but I knew that, being hungry, I would definitely eat way too many of them. So I bought 100g of turkey breast from the deli, and ate that in the car to tide me over.

Then, after I ate dinner, I still felt like eating stuff, but I had a big glass of water and went for a walk, and now it has passed. I told myself that the kitchen is closed for the day, and that is that.

I am allllmost done the work stuff I'm doing, so I'm hoping to finally get to bed early tonight. I haven't been getting nearly enough sleep this week!

Day 34 is Solve Problems. When I have negative thoughts, I'm supposed to go through the 7 steps and figure out what to do. I'll give it a shot!

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